Annual Chronicle 2020
The End is Nigh!
Well, the end of 2020 at least, and who´d oppose to this anyway? It´s been a strange ride for most of us and hopefully there´ll be a new “normal” showing up sooner than later this coming year? At least that´s something to prepare and looking forward to. Opportunities to make up for this not so fortunate year of plague and disorder. New exciting experiences are spotted at the horizon, but first it´s time to wrap this year up together!
The home and inspiration of Hinsides Publications
Hinsides publications was being realized in the fall of 2019 and 2020 marks the first whole year that´s been accompanied by our festivities.
It´s been a very special year to say the least. A year in which a lot of good and even great things has been overshadowed by the ongoing pandemic. The situation has brought forth both the worst and the best in us, as a crisis tends to do, and this has actually made all work behind this publishing house felt even more urgent.
Despite all the suffering caused by this plague there´s also an incitament in all of this to make a turn and perhaps discover a different and more prosperous direction? To slow down and find out what it really is that gives us a sense of belonging and well being. Hinsides is all about to make, promote and spread art that has this qualities and situation like this brings new hope to this kind of thoughts. That art with something to say on a existential level more than a commercial or entertaining one will be appreciated for its legitimate value once and for all. From our point of view that´s exactly what the world needs. Second after a well functioning vaccine and brains, that is.
So, with this said, it´s with mixed feelings we now are looking back on the year 2020:
Hinsides Magazine
In January we announced that a magazine focusing on Art, Music, and Literature were in the making. Interviews to some of the most sought for participants had already been sent out at this point and the idea to make a magazine had been born from the fact that all the premisses suddenly were there and too obvious to neglect. A old dream of creating a meeting place for creative minds were in reach and made a lot of sense since this wish also, as you already know, is the driving force behind Hinsides Publishing as a whole.
The first participants were unveiled in February and in late May, the first copies were sent out. The name of this bulletin were chosen to be Hinsides Magazine and considering the non-existing advertising budget that were spent to make it known; we think it´s fair to call this first issue a great success in terms of appreciation and feedback from all around the globe.
Hinsides Magazine #1
We do pretty much rely on the quality of our work and believe that the word of mouth are stronger than cynical commercial strategies or spam-mails to draw attention. The first issue of Hinsides Magazine are therefore nothing but a proof of that this philosophy actually do work thanks to you and your support.
So; many thousands of thanks to all of you who has ordered, shared posts and pictures of our business this year!
The Blog
Another important step to reach out and come closer to you “Hinsiders” were taken when the News section of this site that you now are visiting started to be updated on a more regular basis. With a few exceptions, this channel has offered something new to read every sunday since the beginning of this year. A initiative that´s been well received and without a doubt increased the interest in our work. Hoppefully you´ll be able to read a lot of new intriguing and inspirational content this comming year as well!
It´s impossible to choose a single favorite post from the ones that´s been published during this strange year, but if you happen to have one it would be very interesting to know what it was and why?
2020: The year that disappeared… Photo by Hinsides
Uncle Infinity
The summer went by and when the leaves on our outdoor friends started to shift colors , the work with the rest of this years releases started to get serious. First out was the peculiar story of Uncle Infinitys brave attempt to escape the chains of time. A really nice little existential pamphlett that leaves you contemplating over the conditions of life long after you´ve turned the last page. Only 100 examples were made of which 50 ex were in English and 50 ex in the Swedish language. A perfect gift for anyone interested in either strange graphic novels or philosophy. Perhaps there will be more stories about this odd character, but since it took the author twenty years to complete this novel, no one can really tell at this moment.
Herr Evig, aka; Uncle Infinity
Another thing that made us all excited was our collaborative work together with Nordvis. We´ll see how things will evolve in the future but from September this year, Hinsides Magazine has been available also at the Nordvis residence. There are some obvious similarities in the concept of our respective companies so to work together seemed like a wise and natural move.
We were also stoked to finally have our old friend Håkan Lindell onboard as a writer for the next issue of Hinsides Magazine. Since he´s both a great writer and a primal force of creativity we´re sure that his contribution will be appreciated and noticed beyond imagination. He´s already been responsible for some well written and interesting posts here at the blog so we´re really glad to have access to his well informed and well spoken genius!
Myt II
Almost exactly one year after Myt Pt I saw the light of day as the first ever release by Hinsides Publications, it was time to release the long awaited sequel; Myt Pt II!
This happened in late November after a long process of scanning the original drawings and prepare them for print. A few more pages this time made this work a really time consuming task and a good opportunity to practice patience. It was well worth it though, as Myt Pt II were the most anticipated of our releases this year with a lot of expectations to live up to. The first part got praised by both critics and readers so it was with a large dose of excitement that we let go of this new born sibling. Luckily enough it seems as if those who´ve laid their hands upon this second chapter has been really fond of how it turned out. You are out for a treat if you haven´t read it yet, that´s for sure!
If things goes as planned; the last and closing part of this epic journey will show up around the same time next year. Those who wait will see…
A page taken from Myt Pt II
So, this was some kind of summary of the past year in terms of our book releases and collaborations. Given the small funds we operate with it´s been a fun year that seems to point in the right direction. As long as there is a meaning to this work, Hinsides Publications will continue to offer both the magazine and other things that we find interesting. Hopefully you´ill continue to follow our work and find more features connected to this universe in the future.
A big thank you for this year and see you in 2021!
The Harvest of Hinsides
All of the releases put out by Hinsides Publications during 2020 can be ordered here: