Hinsides Wants You!

Greetings Hinsiders!

The new year is kicking in and after our look in the rearview mirror last week it´s time to focus on the yet unwritten pages instead. Pages that will define the second full year of actions with Hinsides Publications as sender, and as an exciting start we´d like to invite you to partake in the second issue of Hinsides Magazine! 

Read further to know how...

Hinsides Magazine #1.  -Would you like to participate in the next issue?

Hinsides Magazine #1. -Would you like to participate in the next issue?


Yes, it´s true! The second issue of our magazine is in the making, and this time one of the themes are the phenomenon of collecting different things. 

A highly interesting theme, don´t you think? One or two of the already invited guests in this second round are therefore more of less known as collectors but there is also a space saved in the coming paper version of H.M for you who´d like to share your collecting habits with us! 

So, the question that you now need to ask yourself is; Am I perhaps one of those that has something to say about this intriguing subject?

If the answer is positive; Do not hesitate to dig in to the questions that follows this information and mail them to mytmyren@gmail.com when done!

Some of the answers will be published here at the site, and one carefully chosen story will be published in the magazine!

Hopefully we´ll get a lot of interesting stories from you!

Here are the questions for you to answer:


Please tell us who you are and why you choose to expose your hoarding habits here? 


What do you collect and why? Please describe your collection and explain what kind of satisfaction it provides you? How unique would you say your collection is?


Is it possible to recall when you became a conscious collector, and how do you relate to the concept of a complete collection?


How has your collection and the way that you collect evolved through the years?


Which item in your collections do you fancy the most? Feel free to motivate your answer properly, and when you´re still at it, can you also tell us what kind of object that are the least appreciated piece in your collection?


It would also be interesting to know which object in your possession that you consider to be the weirdest, and which one is the most valuable? Anything you never would let go of?


What does your collecting activities look like in practice? How do you inform yourself where to find your sought after objects? Have you gained a lot of new contacts through your collection and how important is the social side of being a collector for you?


Looking at your collection from your own point of view; What is does it tell about who you are, and do you think that your own answer to this question differ a lot from an outside perspective? 


Has there been any thoughts about quitting with collecting? Please motivate your answer regardless of what you has to say about this matter.


Ok, last but not the least important question; What should the inexperienced collector be aware of before getting into this seemingly harmless hobby?

Thanx a lot for your participation!


Iron Griffin Pt I


Annual Chronicle 2020