Hinsides Nordvis

Greetings fellow humans! This weeks post here at the news section will not focus on the content in Hinsides Magazine, as the latest posts has been doing, but instead present to you an update on what´s going on at the moment at the head quarters of Hinsides Publications. There´s a lot going on and one of these things that we´re really excited about is that from now on Hinsides Magazine are also available at the Nordvis residence:

The new order:

The new order:

For you who are not yet familiar with this far north located bringer of both sounds and thoughts, there is a lot to tell regarding both the history and philosophy behind Nordvis. For now we´ll settle with the indisputable conclusion that this collaboration makes a lot of sense and that we´re happy to have found such a well functioning co-worker in the field of pushing independent art in this day of age. Visit the Nordvis site to find out more at nordvis.com

Another exciting thing is that our old friend Håkan Lindell, responsible for the article about Mortiis in #1 of Hinsides Magazine, has decided to continue his writing antics in the next issue and for this we could not be any happier since he´s both a great writer and a primal force of creativity. He´s already made the text posted here about the Krater soundtrack and on top of this a really interesting dive into a Malaysian cultural phenomenon that we´ll get back to later. Really interesting stuff! Welcome onboard ye old pirate!

Krater - A different kind of soundtrack

Krater - A different kind of soundtrack

Besides this collaborative news there will also be something to say about the upcoming releases here at Hinsides publications in the near future. Keep your eyes open and in the meantime you can still order both the first part of MYT and the first issue of Hinsides Magazine directly from us. Thank you for reading, and see you soon!



Uncle Infinity - And the incredible journey through time -


Fanzines pt2