Дурной Вкус interview
When Hinsides Magazine decided to put the magnifying glass on contemporary music from the former Eastern Bloc, the natural next step was to seek out some of the most interesting bands from this vast area. One of the first band to answer our questions was the Russian band Дурной Вкус. A band that has earned its place here by releasing great songs that shows a lot of soulful creativity.
Photo by Elya Saushkina
Hello, and welcome to Hinsides Magazine! Please introduce yourself and tell us something about the place where you are at right now…
Hello Hinsides Magazine! My name is Andrey. I´m in St. Petersburg, Russia. The city where I live.
So, how did the band and concept come together in the beginning? What would you say are the main reasons to why дурной вкус came to be and how would you picture the development of the band thus far?
This project was created in 2018. I recorded all the songs alone at home. I didn’t think about any concept or popularity at that time, I just recorded the music. I’ve always liked to write songs, and I’ve loved music since childhood. As for me, the only good development of the project is to continue writing songs.
If Hinsides Magazine is not mistaken, дурной вкус translates into something like poor or bad taste? Why did you choose that name and what does it mean to you?
Yes, you are absolutely right. This expression means bad taste in something. In this case; in music. But it’s very conditional and still ironic in my case. The name lay just on the surface. I can listen to completely different music from rock to electronics, from pop music to new school rap. Today, I think it’s strange to be limited only to one genre...so many interesting things are around. And a lot of people, I think, have bad taste in the positive sense of the word, some just actively hide it. And there may be no bad taste in music at all. But there is such an expression. Some people, if you turn on Madonna at the party, then Alice Cooper, then Asap Rocky and Cardi Be and David Bowie, they may call it a bad taste. Or say that it’s blasphemy. But there are fewer and fewer such people. Well, okay... some, I think, just close themselves from some music. I like watching Cardi Be clips and I don’t deny myself anything...and I’m keen on almost anything like that, but in different moods.
If you were to explain the sound and purpose behind дурной вкус to someone unaware of the music you make, what would you say?
Cool question, it took a while to think about it, but I’ll try to explain. Durnoy Vkus is a pop melody driven band with a garage sound and simple texts, in which a person only reflects without calling for anything. It’s like thinking aloud, put on simple music harmonies.
Many similar bands has emerged in recent years, and many of them originate from the former Soviet Union. How do you relate to this phenomenon and how do you explain it? Do you feel involved in a scene, and if so, what characterizes this scene? Is there a sense of community or competition between these bands?
I would explain this by the nostalgia of many musicians for the old sound. For the atmosphere of the music that many people still listen to...such as Modern Lovers, early Depeche Mode, Soft Cell, Dead or Alive and Joy Division. They all wrote with a drum machine and it sounded very cool! The drum machine gives its characteristic drum sound, its very definite rhythmic coloring. In our country, the most popular group remains the Kino group, which has the same characteristic sound of the 80s. As for community, involvement or rivalry; I would like to be more friends with different musicians rather than competing with them. For me, music is not a competition. But it’s just for me, I don’t know how it is for others. I can say Molchat Doma and Ploho, are wonderful people with whom I had a chance to communicate and who helped me both with advice and technical issues in organizing live concerts. For this I´m immensely grateful to them. About me, if anyone asks, I’m always ready to help with advice. We need to help each other and the world might become a little bit better.
Cover of the single ”Навсегда”
What does your creative process looks like? Are all members equally involved in every aspect of it or who does what?
I make all the music and arrangements alone. Usually I compose a demo and gradually throw arrangements. Sometimes Royana can correct me but basically I’m the most skilled of us when it comes to making arrangements.
Everyone has agreed on this, so we do it this way now. We’ve recently found a new bass guitarist but we haven’t written anything together yet. We only play concerts.
Ok, this one goes to your keyboardist Royana : What´s your experience of being a part of this band speaking from a gender perspective? Is the issue of gender something you discuss in дурной вкус, and if so; how you look upon related questions?
Hello! In our group we´re all equal regardless of gender. During the tour, each of us carries his own heavy suitcase. I have never felt gender discrimination either in the group, from the media, or from the audience. On the contrary, our listeners are very sensitive to me and always come up after the concert to thank with me face-to-face and make compliments.
I consider myself to be a feminist, and I’m always against prejudice towards women. I am glad that Andrey and Alexey do not hold sexist views, and if I need any help, they´re always ready to give me a hand.
What moods does дурной вкус express in your opinion? Is it feelings you bear within yourself or is it more about a genré affiliation or something you experience in your surroundings?
Most of my songs, as I’ve noticed, are filled with a recurring sense of the inevitability of the end of everything around; the end of our life, love, and ultimately the end of myself. We’ll all just end up one day. But at the same time; many people say that there is a lot of hope in these songs. People are waiting for me (us) after the performances to just give a hug and say thank you...and, as for me, it’s really very nice.
Do you read a lot, and do you have any recommendations of interesting poets or writers that our readers might not know about?
I always keep reading something. From the latest book about Andy Warhols Pop-Art to a book by David Byrne of how music works. Two of the coolest books I’ve read this year. I haven’t been reading a lot of poets lately, but one of those who I’ve recently read is William Blake. I was reviewing Jim Jarmusch’s film ”The Dead Man,” and decided to read some of Blakes poetry. In Russian translation, of course, I did not read it in the original language. I love Mayakovsky...and also Mandelstam is one of my favorite poets of our natives. I would recommend Chernyshevsky’s novel ”What to do?”.
A great novel. My friend recommended it to me a couple of years ago.
Nikolaj Chernyshevsky (1828-1889)
How do you relate to the current political situation in Russia and the war in Ukraine? How does all of this affects your daily life right now and what do you think will happen in the future?
We are very concerned about what is happening. We’re all scared. I even gave up social media for a few months because I just couldn’t see it all anymore. The feeling of powerlessness in this situation puts terrible pressure. I think we’re in for tough times. And not only us, in this country; I think the whole world will continue to turn upside down. I’m scared to think what diseases and wars that lies ahead of us.
Apart from this rather sad perspective of the current political situation, how would you describe life in St Petersburg?
Life in St. Petersburg continues. But it’s not like it was a few months ago. It’s like we’re in some kind of simulacrum. Although it seemed so to me even before. We all live a little bit in a matrix that we have invented for ourselves. With their ideals, values and life goals.
Taking a look into the nearby future; what will happen connected to the activities of дурной вкус?
I hope I´ll still write many good songs, and we will continue to play concerts. And maybe, at least, it will help someone to feel less alone in this new, unpredictable world.
You’ve just read the mere part of an interview with Дурной Вкус made by Hinsides Magazine 2022. The whole text is published in third issue of the printed version. Order your copy here: