The birth of Hinsides
When does an idea arise? Sometimes that moment is clear as bright daylight and in other cases it is hard to recollect when and where a new thought is born.
Hinsides means “beyond” and can of course refer to “the other side”. What lies past the inevitable end and what we seems to be prohibited from knowing anything about. It could also, and perhaps more accurate in this context, be interpreted as a window to a different view. A highly suitable name for this kind of business, don´t you think?
So, how did the idea of Hinsides arose then?
It actually started with MYT. I´ve had a lot of different ideas of how to make this effort accessible to the world and it was from those thoughts that the concept of Hinsides started to grow. I felt that MYT needed a fitting home to emerge from and did not want to wait until someone else would consider to publish it.
Hence Hinsides, and the possibility to explore what lies beyond together with you and anyone else who wants to join the ride.
As for now; I´m the solitary captain of this boat but there do exist some ideas of how to expand this universe which is just as exciting as to see how the world will respond to the first publications.
This is just the beginning, and hopefully you are as ready as I am to explore what you see when looking out that window?