Suicide Records fest Pt II
Text and Photos:
Hinsides Magazine
Day two
Suspiciously well functioning after a whole evening and night filled with friends, rock and beer the day before, I enter the house of brews unnecessarily early on the second day of this commotion. A good way to get in quarrels with other early birds that´s out to get a seat in the cosy sofas. So, after a few conversations with likeminded strangers there´s ´time once again for the opening act to sprinkle some fresh Americana over the first attendants this spectacular Saturday.
Fabian Brusk Jahn does his thing equally entertaining and vivid a last time and the short set leaves you greedy of more of this bittersweet ear candy.
Cover image to Ocochens Ep “Thylacine” by Albin Emanuel Sköld
Next up and the first full band to enter the stage this evening is Orochen, a band that I´m previously unfamiliar with. I´ve seen the nice looking cover of their debut Ep but never heard any of their songs so it´s with a completely open mind that I got to experience their music for the first time. And it turns out to be a pleasant first meeting.The music sounds mature and well thought through. Like a serious and concerned mind wrapped in a soft darkness. It´s neither pitch black or very bright but a little bit of both I reckon. It sounds big and as if the band already is prepared to take on larger audiences. A professional performance from a band that seems to have something going in the intersection of post-rock and dark-wave.
Another new acquaintance for me is V, and if Orochen was a nice tickle, V is more of a punch in the gut. Much due to the heavy riffs from Mr Andreas Baiers downtuned guitar. This is both grim and nasty without being to one-dimensional. Enjoyable to say the least and something to look up if you´re into old Cult of Luna and their kin. Music with many great qualities that the band manages to perform with a fitting restrained passion.
Fredag den 13:e
After having witnessed two great shows in a row with interesting music, it's time to take a break. Hence the metalized HC punk from Friday the 13th is ignored in favor of some air and rest. I'm sure they did what they were supposed to anyway.
Cover art to V´s “Led into Exile” album by Daniel Garpebring
For me; this was the most anticipated appearance this second day of the fest. I´ve followed the band since the beginning and they seems like both great guys and skilled musicians that has an own take on the kind of music that they play. Music that can be described as some kind of slightly progressive stoner doom I guess. And the performance is great by any means. Really powerful sound and the vocal part stands out as something that adds an important ingredient in a way that´s not very common in their genre. It´s actually the vocal performance that impresses me the most in their set and when Martin Wegeland is nailing angsridden harmonies with his clear voice it´s nothing but a joy to the soul to experience the art and craft of Domkraft. However, the lack of clearly distinguishable songs with own identities becomes something of a dilemma towards the end of their set and it feels a bit as if the same song is on repeat. But apart from this little complaint, it's just great to be showered in the heavy riffs and rhythms of Domcraft that obviously is one of the best in their game.
Martin Widholm of Domkraft
Now, Novarupta is the closing act of the whole shebang and it´s really difficult to come up with any reason to why not? Blessed with both a great name and concept, and on top of this a creator that has managed to absorb a lot of external talents to make this project both interesting and unique, Novarupta is nothing but a natural last piece of the suicidal fest puzzle. One reason being that Novarupta is kind of a puzzle of it´s own. Alex Stjernfeldt has chosen to collaborate with a lot of different singers on both of the two full length Lp´s that´s been put out so far and there´s of course some speculations before the set about who´s going to show up on this very special event? Some, like Lea of Besvärjelsen and Martin of Domcraft were no brainers, but who else? Well, since Hinsides Magazine is no gossip tabloid you have to search somewhere else for the whole list of ”who was there”. Sorry for that, but for you with interest in who made an impact we´re happy to announce that Martin Hällagård, that usually is to be seen in the Greenleaf ensamble, took the prize for most memorable appearance. The other guests did a good or even great job as well, and as said before; It´s hard to think of any better way to close things of than with a Novarupta set. Alex of Novarupta and Roger of Suicidal Records has been working closely together for some time now and together with all the other bands and projects that´s been a part of this two days of celebration, the fest gets it´s legitimate finale on stage when the last note from the set of Novarupta has faded out. A set that obviously has been put together carefully to bring out the best songs in the best possible way.
To witness Novarupta come together like this and to experience all the love and gratitude that´s being pointed at Roger this evening is a good reminder of what it´s all about. After one and a half year without any proper live gigs this felt more than needed and Hinsides Magazine would therefore like to send a big thank you for that and a late happy birthday to Suicide Records. It´s a label with a big heart and good intent so be sure to dig into the rich flora and fauna of their releases to see what sticks on you?
You´ve just read a text made by Hinsides Magazine. A publication meant to cover both music, art and literature. Two physical issues has been made so far and you find them here !