Hild interview
From satanic blastbeasts to thrash done with a feverish twist. Lars Broddesson has shown to possess many strings on his lyre, as they say, and with Hild he has blew new life into the backwaters of sleeping giants from the past. The first spear has been thrown and you are hereby invited to the battlefield where no one knows what will happen.
Hinsides Magazine 2024
“Valkyrjen” Emil Doepler (1905)
Hello there Lars, and welcome to Hinsides Magazine! Please introduce yourself by mention where you are right now and give us a hint of what that particular place means to you? Also, if you got the chance to transport your physical being anywhere in time and space, where would it be?
Hi there! Thank you very much, it´s an honor. I am in this very moment placed in the eastern corner of my living room couch. A place of utter importance to me since it is where I start my day with coffe and calmness, either doing some reading or some studying. Or like today: fun stuff like this interview. This spot is crucial to my daily well-being and if my calm and focus is disturbed during my morning couch time I get very annoyed and feel like all day is ruined haha!
I´d like to see the Earth before civilization came, out in the big wild somewhere. Roam around. See what life and the landscape was like before humanity. And imagine going back to pre-historic times! Like dinosaur ages. When gigantic predators ruled! That´d be something! And conversely, seeing a post-apocalyptic world would be super interesting yet probably heart-breaking. And let´s not forget travelling to other worlds, governed by other laws of nature and beings. I view all of this as perfectly possible, yet maybe we should talk about body doubles or energy bodies instead of transportation.
In the metal community your name might still be associated mostly with your time as a drummer in the notorious Black-Metal band Marduk but that might change now when the striking force of HILD has been unleashed. How would you describe the purpose and expression of this unit for someone completely ignorant to both metal music and the concept behind the band?
Speaking strictly in musical terms, HILD was originally meant to be just thrash metal. As the work progressed other influences and styles naturally made it into the blend. Some crust, some black metal of course, even some death and last but not least a healthy dose of hardcore energy. I came to call it ”Violent Swedish Metal”, not as much in trying to create a cool new genre name or anything. More like a slogan. But it´s thrash-based and all about high energy and extrovertion and exaltation. You know that feeling that some music does to you when you feel absolutely awesome and invincible and wanna thrash everything around you? That´s what I like and look for in HILD. If you´re ignorant to metal music and unfamiliar with feelings like these, I think no description will suffice. Either the music hits you or it doesn´t. Metal is, thank Gods, not for everyone!
Conceptually, it is based on strife, struggle, timeless war and to rise up to your strongest and best version, self-realisation if you want. Everything has a Nordic pre-christian current and is based rather on the hidden aspects of the old belief, the sorcery and supernatural. It connects to my personal convictions and faith. In this sense, HILD is very esoteric even though our expression is all about extroversion and wild, untamed energy. The deeper side is there for those that sees it or takes interest. Those that know, know! As they say. But it is perfectly fine to enjoy HILD as just a high energy band with music to get your blood boiling and rouse your spirit and don´t think twice about why. We are dead serious in our art and concept, but we´re not pretentious! I´ve been told it´s great work-out music too, makes sense I guess.
“Freja” John Bauer (1905)
You´ve stated earlier that both the name and concept behind HILD came to you through divine intervention and that it was none other than Freya herself that spoke to you on that occasion. To a secular atheist, such a statement would presumably sound like proper gibberish so let´s take some time and sort things out, shall we? First of all, please describe how your syncretic view of life has developed through the years and what this perspective means to your mundane existence? And secondly, how do you picture your connection to Freya, and what made you aware of her presence in the conceiving moment of HILD?
To be a secular atheist is to me being someone who robs oneself of wonderful things and experiences. I think it´s a bit sad even, not seeing the wonders that surround us all. But whatever floats your boat I guess! I can get thoroughly annoyed however when these people think they “know” better and hold science as the only truth. Science is good for calculating lots of stuff and building this and that and whatever. No denying that. But there is very little consensus among scientists and science is mostly theory-based where the research serves to prove a thesis, an idea. This is important to remember. When it comes to actually explaining what life and existence is, science is no better than any religion or faith. It just takes the fun and the spirit out of everything.
If these modern intellectuals see my words as gibberish, I cherish that. Maybe I´m whack in the head, it doesn´t matter. I base my stuff on experience and results just like any scientist.
When out twilight-walking in the woods, Freja promptly assigned me to go back to my studio temple and write a 2 minute song in one session and She suggested I do it under the banner of HILD. Total reality to me, as tangible as anyone reading these lines here and now or picking up a rock from the ground. The band name HILD and writing thrash idea I had from way back, just never got around to it. She made sure I did and I would not sit here if not for Her. And the name has proven to hold lots of synchronistic meanings although it was not part of this ”divine intervention”. So guess the name was fated too! However, I´d refrain from terms like divine intervention, it was rather a part of my ”religious practice” in lack of better terms. She keeps me on the right path making sure I do something of value and joy with my life.The contact and conversation was already in place. Her presence in and around the landscape well established. Don´t remember if I called her, sang galdrs or what not or if She just showed up. Doesn´t really matter, She´d been my chief Goddess for quite some time already and I know when there is connection. So we´d been walking a while when the conceiving moment came. Words and sounds inside me, which I do not construct myself. Things you KNOW emanate not from your own fantasy of power of thought. My connection is strong, personal and vibrant. Dynamic. And of course, I take pride getting to speak of Her and building Her glory. It is correct that I hold an original syncretic world view however. Anything perceivable is to some extent true. I used to mix occult magic and philosophy from diverse cultures and systems and not adhere to anyone in particular, something very common in darker esoteric circuits I belive. I can still feel currents from qliphotic stuff for example. I just don´t actively work with them since I chose this path. Or rather: naturally was lead to it, and on another ”divine intervention” ordered to. I´m however intelligent enough to know that my way is not the only way or the ”true” way , I´m no fucking Abrahamit. In this I am still a syncretist, yet happy that Forn Sidhr is gaining power again. I do toy with movements and practices from certain native american ancient sorcery still. Something that has just come to me in the landscape a bit further back in time. It connects somehow. But that´s another story.
My faith imbues my existence, I don´t differentiate mundane from divine. The Gods are in the landscape and so are we. All is animated.
The valkyries Hildr, Þrúðr and Hlökk bearing ale in Valhalla (1895) by Lorenz Frølich
Ok, now to a slightly less serious question; When the final battle has downed on Lars and the last spark of life has left your body, would you be bummed ending up at Odins table instead of the residence that your muse shelters in Folkvang? And secondly, since Odin sometimes acts a bit grumpy and also is known to be rather keen on Freya, aren´t you afraid to challenge his toxicity while approaching her spirit?
Hahaha, maaaan. Less serious question or not this actually puts the finger on an existential and philosophical dilemma for me. Which is how to think and act in front of Odin and if there is any clashes of interest etc. Fortunately, I have had GREAT Odin moments too and sometimes even with both him and Freja. Others too for that matter, I mean it´s polytheism after all and powers that go well together. There´s no problem usually but this has sparked some inner turmoil on occasion so you really hit something with this question haha! The nature of Odin both as a God in his own right and as a force in yourself is not to be taken too lightly and I have still to find out my ultimate role as a human and beyond. Would I be bummed out as an einherjer in Valhall? Of course not, I´d be proud. But probably a bad einherjer sneaking off to Folkvang ever so often haha! Then again, we know that Freja gets first pick of the fallen. We can also assume that their respective armies fight on the same side. And this poses another moral dilemma: I have no beef with the Thursian antagonist side, quite the opposite actually. But that´s the beauty of a polytheist nature/folk religion. Even though it may not make any sense you have all these powers that you can work with, there´s no real right or wrong, good or evil or shit like in your male mono religions. It´s more like life and nature itself and I suppose that as long as there is some balance left between the opposing/complementary forces I shouldn´t worry or overthink. Then we´ll see what my ultimate destiny is when everything comes crashing down. We know that Odin will perish. Freja…? Unclear. I have sworn myself to Her anyway and I can not help it. I couldn´t stop worshipping Her even if I wanted. I hope that I will do good for Her and stay worthy of Her favour. And one day, see more of Folkvang.
Another thing connected to the theme of norse mythology that would be interesting to know more about is your literal sources? Are there any specific literature on the subject of Valkyries that you´ve come across and would recommend?
Not really I´m afraid to say. There´s not alot around I think. What we have in terms of older genuine sources are basically the Eddas, the old Icelandic sagas and Skaldic poetry. Then we can search the Internet for modern scholars speaking their thoughts on it. But we need to watch out for uninitiated attention whores that clearly don´t know what they are talking about. That said, I wanna point out that I´m not super knowledgeable in all this. I of course read and anchor my stuff in actual tradition and real sources. But to a large extent HILD builds on personal experiences and interpretations of actually seeking out, calling in and feeling the subjects at hand. It is practice put into words, with respect to older sources. And with careful concern taken to the Valkyries´ names and inherent traits found in there.
The "Valkyrie from Hårby", silver-gilt figurine depicting a female figure with a sword and shield, often interpreted to be a valkyrie.
How do you imagine the future development of this Valkyrie theme of yours? Do you reckon it will last for several more albums?
It will not. We have already moved past it. There´s not enough material on them or even enough documented Valks to keep it going. At least not on the dedicated, personal level like on ValFreiya. So it would have to be more fictional, speculative. Which is of low interest to me. There will be some more Valkyrie songs for sure and their essence will keep imbuing our work. The broader concept of strife and forces unseen to the normal eye will stand.
It´s clear that HILD is your creation entirely from the beginning, but since the first songs were made you´ve managed to recruit members to build a band ready for live action. How would you describe this process and what kind of qualities were you searching for while headhunting down your stage comrades?
HILD got a great reception, both in my close circle and then later upon official release. I think this is what sparked the decision to make a band out of it rather than just pleasing my ego thrash nerve. Josef, lead guitars, in fact stated in a comment on Facebook when I realised the first song that he was to be HILD´s guitarist when it was time to play live haha! So when it was indeed time it did actually land on him. Fated, of course! I knew him from Myronath and we connected on a thrash/punk level beyond the black metal and also on a spiritual level. He´s amazing. Jonathan, drums, I´d known for quite some time, having recorded his band Prudence for example, and he´s just a class act person and musician with the heart in the right place and I knew early on I wanted him behind the drums. I was looking for good musicians and folk somewhat in my vicinity that I liked and felt good around and that would be open to actually devote themselves if things felt good. You see, at first the only goal and requirement was to play the premiere show at Slaktmånad. Which was booked before I formed the band! I didn´t want just hired guns or some all-star stuff, although I did check around a little at least on the drum side since Jonathan was hesitant at first due to an incredibly busy schedule and didn´t want to enter an endeavour he could not fit the time for in his life. Lucklily for us all, he worked it out! Anyway, I wanted HILD to be something new and stand on its own legs which is why I didn´t just round up members of my other, previous bands. The problem was bass player! I had some interesting people up for the task and some emergency solutions but ultimately none worked or they didn´t have the time. So, I posted an ad! And BOOM, there is David! He sent videos of him thrashing, playing and even singing to the songs and showed incredible will and energy. He was perfect! He is one of the best musicians I´ve met and one of the most energising individuals ever. I called him up one late summer night to offer him the job if he wanted it and there was a perfect sign: The largest meteor I have ever seen, completely gold, (Freja color), straight to the west (Folkvang direction). Like I said, at first there was only talk about the first show. But it took less than 5 minutes for us all to get together, knowing this was now a band. The other´s having never even met before. This was US! HILD was a band just like that.
How would you explain the importance of playing live with HILD, and how would you describe your stage persona? Does it differ a lot from when you´re off stage?
I love playing live with HILD and from what we gather we are best enjoyed live. The energy conveys better. It´s super important and we take pride in our good reputation as a live act. A band needs to deliver live to be a proper band, no discussion. My stage self is not detached from my ordinary self. It´s a very natural part of me, I feel comfortable at and at home in this role. Powerful, genuine. Obviously, I´ll work myself into a frenzied state of mind and body, an extrovert kind of aggression and I always trance before stage to reach a deeper state. Galdr scream and such to get that more crazy and exalted condition. I´ll then just blend it with my normal self and leave room for spontaneity.
Hild live in action. Skien/Norway 2022
What can you tell our readers about your other creative outlets, and what does creativity mean to you?
Creativity has always been there for me. It´s one of few things to bless my life with real joy and purpose. I don´t feel like myself or good at all if I can´t have a regular creative outlet. My main outlet outside HILD is The Shining Woe. Of course also dedicated to Freja haha. But it´s focus is more on the changing seasons of Scandinavia and the spellbinding beauty in the landscape, trying to open people´s eyes for it and care for it, embrace it, rather than destroying it. And maybe foremost, the hidden aspects of nature and how it connects to our myths and old faith. Then there is also Nordjevel, life wouldn´t be complete without some Black Metal, right? I´m not a live member there any more though and at the moment it´s not 100% settled how we´ll move on. However lives shall see! I´m also a sucker for spontaneous trance singing and whistling in the landscape, holy fuck the melodies that come sometimes!! Some are mine, some are NOT! The landscape and times of old sing. Every now and then, I channel it somehow and being able to memorise them completely would be absolutely amazing. I´ve partly managed with some and these are mainly, but not exclusively, found in The Shining Woe, where it is often a part of the writing process.
I also enjoy writing poetry, entranced or not, it works in a similar way and often I turn it into lyrics. But some poems stay just poems. I don´t really know what to do with them but it´s nice writing. I also enjoy making runic and other power objects, something I wish I could find more time for. Like the Valkyrie bindrune mirrors I made for HILD merch. Making such objects is a great joy.
So, what lies ahead in the nearest future for HILD? It seems like a new album is on it´s way so maybe you could shed some light upon what we can expect from that one? Feel free to share anything you find interesting concerning this release. And before you go, please drop three albums on your way out that in some way has been important for HILD. Thanx a lot for your time and effort!
We just signed with Black Lion Records and we are really stepping it up, taking things to next level. We are dead set on taking HILD as far as it goes and to prove ourselves. We have an EP, ”The Slayeress” coming on May 31st. The name is an obvious hint to Slayer but through HILD´s concept. HILD would not exist if I didn´t stumble upon Slayer in my young years. You can expect proper HILD just like it has been described in this interview and some really nice artwork by Hammerblaze Designs. Then in autumn will come our second full-length. That one will be something out of the ordinary, I assure you! But can´t say more at the moment. We have a few shows and are always on the hunt for more. Conquest and expansion!
Three albums: Reign in Blood, South of Heaven and Seasons in the Abyss!
Thank you for having me!
You have now read parts of an interview conducted by Hinsides Magazine; April 2024.
The text will be published in its entirety in the next issue's physical edition.
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