Annual Chronicle 2021
Yes, the time has come to summarize and reflect upon yet another year of fun with Hinsides Publications! A year with less releases but with more extrovert activities. Read further to experience what happened 2021 and to get a glimpse of what the future might bring here at your local provider of art with integrity. Let´s go!
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Hinsides Publications 2021
Last time the annual summary were written we had a year marked by Co-vid restrictions and a wish for a functioning vaccine to look back upon. What we got was not quite what we´d hope for due to new mutations of the virus and semi-functioning vaccines. It´s a mess really and all you can do is to sit tight and take as good care of one another as one possible could, right?
There´s of course a lot of debate about how to do this in practice and the only thing that Hinsides wants to add to this discussion is that art, music and literature always is a good company in difficult times. And as stated before; Hinsides is all about to make, promote and spread art of different kinds. So, the question now is how this ambition did fly back in 2021?
Hinsides Magazine
There´s no lie that the first issue of Hinsides Magazine were a great success in terms of both selling points and positive feedback from a lot of different places. To put that first issue together was nothing but a joy even though the learning curve were quite high considering all the technical aspects of it.
What came to be the second issue started to grow in the fall when new ideas of suitable themes and who to approach as participants began to emerge. The debut had quite distinct and self-evident themes and the initial plan was to match those in this new episode. Easier said than done, as it would show. The ambition were clear but somehow it got a little lost along the highway. Apart from this minor deviation, this second swing turned out to be just as beautiful as it´s predecessor.
The cover shows an old drawing made by the legendary Michael Langevin, aka ”Away”, that he kindly lended out due to the article we made about him and his art. To speak with him about everything he´s been up to as both a musician and graphic designer was a most definitely a dream come true. In addition to this there were lot of other highly interesting creators featured in this issue as well. Like famous cartoonist Ed Luce and Vesa Ajomo of Dark Buddha Rising. It finally got printed and ready to go right before the summer holidays after a lot of blood, sweat and tears had been sacrificed on the altar of independent publishing. Hence it was with a great sense of victory that hands were laid upon this obnoxious outcome when it finally got printed.
Note that both issues still is available from the shop, here!
Speaking of holidays and printers; One of this years absolute highlights was the trip through this region alongside the river Klarälven that took place in the middle of the summer.
You who follow Hinsides Publications on Instagram (@hinsidespublications) knows that the arrival in Hagfors, where the printers is at, happened to occur the very same day as the Hinsides Magazine #2 actually were printed. A lucky coincidence that has to be mentioned due to being one of the rare occasions when things just align in the best possible ways. To be out in the wild in company with the result of a lot of hard work is one of last years most memorable moments for sure.
This spectacular tour did not only provide great views and fresh from the printers underground magazines. The rout of Klarälvsbanan also crosses Munkfors where the unbelievably well sorted and cool comic book store ”Seriemagasinet” is located.
A visit there felt mandatory and the first meeting with it´s founder Ronny Stenbäck has later turned out to be the beginning of some interesting collaborative work. Plans were made and the next time we met, Hinsides made a signing in the store together with the highly acclaimed and talented artist Marcus Ivarsson.
To be invited to do something like this at Seriemagasinet and to meet Marcus is another great thing that happened during this year. On Ronnys initiative, we also made a livestream on Facebook arranged by the educational association ABF. A highly memorable event as well that seemed to be appreciated by those who watched it.
If you´re knowledgeable in the Swedish tongue and curious of what we spoke about, go here:
Apart from this newly found companion we´ve still in league with Nordvis that now holds both issues of Hinsides Magazine in their online store. Our good friend Håkan Lindell has also continued to contribute with his writing for Hinsides Magazine. A writing that resulted in the intriguing article in HM #2 about the Malaysian role playing game duo behind ”A thousand, thousand Islands”. Much appreciated!
Both ´”MYT Pt II” and ”Uncle Infinity´s Incredible Journey Through Time” finally got reviewed in Bild & Bubbla #3/2021. Two very different reviews where MYT were praised and the Uncle somewhat slandered. Sometimes they get it, and sometimes they don´t, right? It´s always fun to read though, and quotes like this is always welcomed:
”To make this kind of wordless, winding storytelling without losing the reader's attention is difficult, but the creator behind MYT does it masterfully. Myth II gets an unusually strong recommendation from me. A story for the real connoisseur!”
- Henri Gylander
As you who´ve been following our work from start already knows; This whole operation to start Hinsides Publications started with MYT and the need of a platform to release it´s first part through. Back in 2019, both the company and this first part got materialized due to this urge, and the second part of MYT were released already the next year, exactly one year after Pt I were printed. The initial plan was to release the third and final part in the fall of 2021, but due to many reasons this was not bound to happen. So, no part three this year, but for those of you who eagerly awaits the conclusion of this epic tale we´re happy to announce that the first pages of part III is in the making as we speak. The work has begun and it´s looking good so far. No promises of when we can expect it to be finished, though. It´s all written in the stars as for now, but keep yourself updated…perhaps it will happen sooner than later?
Hinsides Magazine III
The work on H.M #3 has also begun with it´s first snippets of recorded conversations and reviews already published at the news section here at our site. Right now the translation of a lengthier interview with the Belarusian post-punk/darkwave unit Molchat Doma is being made, and we´re absolutely thrilled to share this exclusive material with you soon.
So, this was some kind of summary of the past year in terms of our releases and collaborations. Given the small funds we operate with it´s been a fun year that seems to point in the right direction. As long as there is a meaning to this work, Hinsides Publications will continue to offer both the magazine and other things that we find interesting. Hopefully you´ll continue to follow our work and find more features connected to this universe in the future.
A big thank you for this year and see you in 2022!
-Hinsides Publications